• NEW: Governor: Ferguson Commission to address concerns underscored by protests

  • Protesters have sought officer's indictment after unarmed teen Michael Brown was killed

  • Sources say investigators found Brown's blood on the officer's gun, uniform and cruiser

  • Protester: "If there is not an indictment, excuse my French, all hell is going to break loose"

Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- This is the new normal in Ferguson: Protests, day and night, for more than 70 days now.

Sometimes it's hundreds of demonstrators, sometimes just a handful. But they're always outside the Ferguson Police Department, clamoring for the indictment of Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown.

And with new details about the investigation leaked, tensions are escalating.

On Monday night, St. Louis County police detained two protesters, including Missouri State Sen. Jamilah Nasheed. She was detained as she blocked traffic in the middle of the street while protesting outside the Police Department.

New evidence in Ferguson shooting

Ferguson grand jury details leak

Ferguson bracing for grand jury decision

Report: Michael Brown's blood on cop gun

Michael Brown Sr. yells out as the casket holding the body of his son, Michael Brown, is lowered into the ground during the funeral service in St. Louis on Monday, August 25. Brown, 18, was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9. His death sparked protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and a national debate about race and police actions.Michael Brown Sr. yells out as the casket holding the body of his son, Michael Brown, is lowered into the ground during the funeral service in St. Louis on Monday, August 25. Brown, 18, was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9. His death sparked protests in Ferguson, Missouri, and a national debate about race and police actions.

Family members touch the copper top of the vault containing Brown's casket.Family members touch the copper top of the vault containing Brown's casket.

Brown's casket arrives at Saint Peters Cemetery in St. Louis.Brown's casket arrives at Saint Peters Cemetery in St. Louis.

Mourners fill the pews for the funeral service at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis.Mourners fill the pews for the funeral service at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis.

Lesley McSpadden, Brown's mother, sits during the funeral on August 25.Lesley McSpadden, Brown's mother, sits during the funeral on August 25.

The Rev. Al Sharpton speaks during the funeral.The Rev. Al Sharpton speaks during the funeral.

A Brown family member wears a tie with Michael Brown's face on it.A Brown family member wears a tie with Michael Brown's face on it.

People sing during the funeral for Brown.People sing during the funeral for Brown.

Brown's casket sits inside Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis before the start of his funeral.Brown's casket sits inside Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis before the start of his funeral.

Funeral attendees sing before the start of the service on August 25.Funeral attendees sing before the start of the service on August 25.

Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden, arrives at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church for the funeral service.Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden, arrives at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church for the funeral service.

Brown's father, Michael Brown Sr., arrives for the funeral.Brown's father, Michael Brown Sr., arrives for the funeral.

Funeral attendees raise their hands as they wait in line to enter the church on August 25.Funeral attendees raise their hands as they wait in line to enter the church on August 25.

Filmmaker Spike Lee takes a picture of a St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap that rests on top of Brown's casket.Filmmaker Spike Lee takes a picture of a St. Louis Cardinals baseball cap that rests on top of Brown's casket.

Mourners wait in line to enter the church.Mourners wait in line to enter the church.

A hearse sits outside the church before the funeral.A hearse sits outside the church before the funeral.

James Wright waits for the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church to open for the funeral service.James Wright waits for the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church to open for the funeral service.

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown

The funeral of Michael Brown


















The funeral of Michael BrownThe funeral of Michael Brown

Protesters in Ferguson demand justice

Now, there are fears about what could happen next. One protester put it succinctly:

"If there is not an indictment, excuse my French, all hell is going to break loose."

Complete coverage of what's happening in Ferguson

Governor launches initiative

Saying that "our streets cannot be battlefields," Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon launched the Ferguson Commission on Monday, the members of which he will announced in early November.

The commission will be charged with studying "the social and economic conditions underscored by the unrest" following Brown's shooting. It will then tap various experts to address issues like poverty, education and law enforcement before offering "recommendations for making this region a stronger, fairer place to live," Nixon said.

"When there has been a clear vision of a better future and a well-marked path for progress, protests have yielded lasting change. When there is only rage and despair, anguish and chaos follow," he said.

He likened the worries of African-American mothers to those of police officers' spouses, saying they both watch their loved ones leave each morning and wonder if they'll come home again.

There is too much violence and fear, he said, and too little hope and trust. But in the unrest that ensued after Brown's death, "thoughtful voices on all sides" have raised legitimate issues, Nixon said.

The governor expressed hope that the commission will be able to bring those issues to the forefront, but also noted that he was concerned that if the issues aren't addressed, the St. Louis area -- Missouri's economic engine -- could suffer severe damage.

"This work is not for the faint of heart. Make no mistake: There will be anger and conflict, fear and distrust," he said. "But to move forward, we must transcend anger and fear. We must move past pain and disappointment."

New details revealed

Nixon's remarks came four days after a newspaper reported that Brown's blood was found on the officer's uniform and inside his police car, law enforcement sources told CNN. Those sources corroborated details first reported by The New York Times.

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"That tends to support any testimony that there was some kind of scuffle in the police car," said CNN legal analyst Danny Cevallos. "And if so, that tends to support Officer Wilson's testimony and his justification for using deadly force."

At least one of the wounds Brown suffered is consistent with a struggle and appeared to be fired at close range, according to a different source with first-hand knowledge of the investigation.

At least six shots

A private autopsy conducted for the Brown family showed that Brown had been shot at least six times, including twice in the head.

But Cevallos said the newly released details about Brown's blood on the officer's gun and on his uniform might only go so far in helping the officer's case.

"Ultimately, that officer will have to come up with justification not for firing his gun the first time, but for each and every bullet that came out of his firearm -- whether at the car or away from the car," he said.

Brown's death is the subject of two inquiries: one by a St. Louis County grand jury considering whether Wilson should be charged, and the other by federal investigators looking into whether any civil rights violations occurred.

New details are just one piece of probe

Timing of the leak

As anticipation mounts over the grand jury's decision, the new details leaked by a federal source to The New York Times could be strategic, a former FBI official told CNN.

"It could be really for, in part, a beneficial purpose, to start leading those community leaders and those leading the protests to believe that there won't be an indictment," said Ron Hosko, former assistant director of the FBI Criminal Division.

"It may be over time, that will have a beneficial effect of no riots, no battles in the streets again."

Sara Sidner reported from Ferguson; Holly Yan reported and wrote from Atlanta. CNN's Eliott C. McLaughlin, Pamela Brown, Evan Perez, MaryLynn Ryan and Michael Pearson contributed to this report.


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